Foucaultsches Pendel

Foucaultsches Pendel von Norbert LippSteirische Landesausstellung "energie" 2001
Dem französischen Physiker Jean Bernard Léon Foucault (1819-1868) gelang es, die Drehung der Erde um ihre Achse experimentell nachzuweisen. Zu Beginn des Jahres 1851 baute er...

Graz Marathon 2018

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  • benefizkonzert rostropovich

    Benefizkonzert Rostropovich & Friends im BASF Feierabendhaus, Ludwigshafen, Deutschland
  • eintacuhen abtanzen sehrklein

    Künstler und Musiker Werner Puntigam, DJ Erdem Tunakan und Herbert Gollini
  • foucaultsches pendel klein

    Das Foucaultsche Pendel von St. Ruprecht/Raab ist weltweit das erste Pendel, welches nicht in einem geschlossenen Gebäude installiert wurde.
  • quick linn felton

    Performance and workshop session with "Quick" Lin Felton, USA and young people of Styria, Austria, conducted by Norbert Lipp.
  • zapp

    A Production of Grand Theatre Groningen, Zapp Snacks Group, NL and the municipality of Fürstenfeld, Austria conducted by Norbert Lipp.

Rostropovich Benefizkonzert

BASF Feierabendhaus, Ludwigshafen, Deutschland

  • David Geringas, Violoncello
  • Julius Berger, Violoncello
  • Tatjana Vassilieva, Violoncello
  • Danjulo Ishizaka, Violoncello

Qucik Lin Felton Schriftzug

Performance and workshop session with "QUIK" Lin Felton, USA and young people of Styria, Austria, conducted by Norbert Lipp.

"QUIK" Lin Felton is a one of the most important graffiti-inspired painters of the United States.

"QUIK" Lin Felton:

"When I Grow Up" is a workshop series initiating and encouraging an appreciation for art by cooperating with a working artist in a specific group effort through various sessions of simple exercises of arts and crafts-like medium through mature painting projects. Initially, the participants will be introduced to the work of a seemingly unorthodox artist.

ZAPP Snacks

A Production of Grand Theatre Groningen, Zapp Snacks Group, NL and the municipality of Fürstenfeld, Austria conducted by Norbert Lipp.

ZAPP SNACKS: Clip-Theatre, Fast, Short and Heavy.

  • Fast: There is so much on different positions going on, that you cannot see all.
    You really have to zapp (tune in) with your head.
  • Short: The longest Zapp snacks was about 15 minutes & the shortest one was about 7.30 minutes.
  • Heavy: Of course of all the different images.
    Everytime we put so many things in it that it seems impossible to do it.